- Enter Pupils Academic Performance Results
- Auto-generate and print report forms
- Automatically generate Identity Cards with computer barcodes for Pupils.
- View and Store Pupil’s Class Lists for all academic years
- Track performance of individual pupils for all the terms they spend in school
- Store pupil records for all the years
Guardian Information
Medical History
Achievements and Awards
Schools Attended
Personality Traits
Offenses and Discipline - Store teacher employment details and auto-generate qualification audit forms
- Analyze the performance of pupils in all the tests and auto-generate analysis reports
- Complete Library Management System
- Generate School Enrollment Reports
- School Class Time Table Maker
- Auto-generate meal cards for a month
- Auto-generate pupil record card for the guidance section
- Schools Online Extension
- Free Dynamic Full Responsive Website
- Send Pupil Performance via SMS
- Publish helpful information to stakeholders on website
- Pupils check performance and report forms on the website
- Extension of the site to GI Online Academy for accessing free education resources (Syllabi, Past Papers, Schemes of Works, Lesson Plans, Books, etc.
- And Many More
Saves you time
1. Class lists every term
2. Analyzing pupil performance
3. Ranking pupils according to performance
4. Retrieving pupil personal details (phone numbers)
5. Making pupil’s record cards
6. Time tables that avoid crushes of teachers
Efficiency and Accuracy (Being smart)
Low effort bigger results
1. Send results in a click via SMS
2. Avoid mistakes in comments on report forms
3. Avoid calculation errors on pupil performance reports
4. Avoid errors in performance analysis
5. Avoid errors in ranking
School Management and Administration
1. Prevents missing results due to the loss of file
2. Keeps records of all staff basic employment details
3. Keeps records of all the pupils
4. Monitoring the performance of pupils
5. Easy retrieval of information about pupils and teachers in history and present
6. Keep records of books in a professional way with the library management system
School Data Security and Storage. Data very important in problem-solving and decision making
1. Keep all vital pupil records
2. Keeps all vital records of teachers
3. Keeps performance records of pupils in all the tests
Parents (relationship)
1. Parents will be happy to receive results on Time
2. Parents will have enough time to talk to pupils on their performance
3. School becomes more credit to parents because of it online and they can access
information about the school and performance of pupils.
Academic Performance
1. Parents will help if the receive results on time
2. The teacher may intervene smartly having analyzed the performance of pupils in their
3. Pupils will be motivated to work harder knowing parents will receive their
performance on time
4. Teachers will have more time preparing for lessons
5. Ranked results in individual tests can easily be printed and stack on notice boards to
motivate pupils
6. The library will enable pupils to access books without worrying about security
Reducing the costs of
1. creating pupil IDs
2. sending academic reports for pupils
3. sending notifications to parents
4. creating student record cards
5. creating meal cards
Increase School Revenue
1. Earn up to 5 times the cost of the software every year in the inbuilt automated
Student/Pupil ID maker!
Questions and Answers
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